Hiring an accident lawyer can be expensive, but it is important to hire one with experience and reputation for getting results. Here are some steps to take to protect your legal rights:
Car accident lawyers
While a car accident lawyer is not your primary legal advisor, it is imperative to document all of the details of the wreck and see a doctor as soon as possible. Although adrenaline may mask pain, a doctor’s evaluation can be crucial to your case. Not only will this medical report detail the severity of your injuries, but it will also provide evidence that can be helpful in a lawsuit. In addition, a physician’s report will include details such as the conditions of the road, weather, and traffic at the time of the accident.
The first step in filing a car accident lawsuit is filing a complaint. The complaint will contain a detailed narrative of the accident, as well as damages claimed. You should file your complaint within the state’s statute of limitations, which is normally two years. Next, you need to serve the defendant with the complaint. Fortunately, there are strict guidelines for serving a complaint, and an experienced lawyer will know how to proceed with this step.
Cost of hiring a car accident lawyer
Often, people wonder how to decide whether to hire a car accident lawyer. Many car accident lawyers work on contingency, or that you pay them a certain percentage of the settlement or court award that you receive. While this may scare some people away, it’s important to remember that it is your money, and your lawyer’s job is to get you the most money possible. This is one reason that you’ll want to shop around to find the best deal.
The cost of hiring a car accident attorney can be overwhelming, but it is well worth it. After all, having an accident can change your life forever. Even if you only sustained minor injuries, you may end up paying medical bills for years. Even if you’re able to recover from your injuries and pay for your medical bills, a car accident lawyer can help you get the compensation you deserve. And if you’re not the driver at fault, you’ll be able to take your insurance company to court, which will help you get the compensation you deserve.
Non-economic damages awarded after a car accident
While economic damages are measured by dollar amounts, non-economic injuries are measured by the effects the incident has on the victim. These include pain, emotional distress, and lost wages. Economic harms are felt immediately, while non-economic injuries may take time to show up. Moreover, many of these injuries are irreparable. For this reason, it’s important to hire an experienced personal injury attorney, who can analyze your case for free.
In most cases, non-economic damages are calculated by assigning a daily value to the injured party. These amounts depend on the severity of the injuries and their impact on the victim’s life. For example, a daily rate of $150 divided by 100 days results in $15,000 in non-economic damages. It’s important to include all medical records, including pain medication prescribed and doctor’s notes, when filing a non-economic damages claim