The Old Testament dates back to 1280 BC and takes the form of moral imperatives as recommendations for a good society. The small Greek city-state, ancient Athens, from about the 8th century BC was the first society to be based on broad inclusion of its citizenry, excluding women and enslaved people. However, Athens had no legal science or single word for “law”, relying instead on the three-way distinction between divine law (thémis), human decree and custom (díkē).

It concerns mortgages, rental agreements, licences, covenants, easements and the statutory systems for land registration. Regulations on the use of personal property fall under intellectual property, company law, trusts and commercial law. The goldsmith’s apprentice looked at it, sneakily removed the stones, told the boy it was worth three halfpence and that he would buy it.

  • Anarchism encompasses a broad range of social political philosophies with different tendencies and implementation.
  • In common law legal systems, decisions by courts are explicitly acknowledged as “law” on equal footing with statutes adopted through the legislative process and with regulations issued by the executive branch.
  • Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore and Hong Kong also adopted the common law system.
  • In India, the Hindu legal tradition, along with Islamic law, were both supplanted by common law when India became part of the British Empire.
  • There are also many other arguments and cannons of interpretation which altogether make statutory interpretation possible.
  • Conflict of laws, or private international law in civil law countries, concerns which jurisdiction a legal dispute between private parties should be heard in and which jurisdiction’s law should be applied.

Hegel believed that civil society and the state were polar opposites, within the scheme of his dialectic theory of history. The modern dipole state–civil society was reproduced in the theories of Alexis de Tocqueville and Karl Marx. In post-modern theory, civil society is necessarily a source of law, by being the basis from which people form opinions and lobby for what they believe law should be. Until the 18th century, Sharia law was practiced throughout the Muslim world in a non-codified form, with the Ottoman Empire’s Mecelle code in the 19th century being a first attempt at codifying elements of Sharia law. Since the mid-1940s, efforts have been made, in country after country, to bring Sharia law more into line with modern conditions and conceptions. In modern times, the legal systems of many Muslim countries draw upon both civil and common law traditions as well as Islamic law and custom.

law noun RULE

This section has detailed information about various legislations, rules and regulations, legal institutions, commissions and tribunals. You can also get information about the Supreme Court, High Courts, Subordinate Courts, Legal Aid, Profession, Alternative Dispute Resolution etc. The American Bar Association ruefully admits that the legal profession is overcrowded, especially in large cities. Last week an editorial in the New York Law Journal urged a youthful revolt against the city, twanged an idyll of lawing in the country.


Social security law refers to the rights people have to social insurance, such as jobseekers’ allowances or housing benefits. Labour law is the study of a tripartite industrial relationship between worker, employer and trade union. Individual employment law refers to workplace rights, such as job security, health and safety or a minimum wage.


Shipping companies operate through ordinary principles of commercial law, generalised for a global market. Admiralty law also encompasses specialised issues such as salvage, maritime liens, and injuries to passengers. Family law covers marriage and divorce proceedings, the rights of children and rights to property and money in the event of separation. Immigration law and nationality law concern the rights of foreigners to live and work in a nation-state that is not their own and to acquire or lose citizenship.