Having a great looking online presence is every bit as essential for law firms as winning their cases, at least in terms of attracting clients. Sadly you could be the most prestigious law firm in the land but if you don’t have much of an online presence then potential clients just aren’t going to find you. There are some firms which get this right, firms such as the Judd Shaw Injury Law personal injury law firm who have a great online presence which really helps them to generate business.

So what exactly is it that these firms are doing which others are missing out on? Let’s take a look.

Replying To Reviews

Search engines like Google give users the chance to post reviews about the businesses which they have used, and that includes law firms. This is something which potential clients most certainly will be checking before they decide to use a firm. Now there is no way, or at least it is very unlikely, that you are going to have all 5 star reviews here, and that is fine. What is important however is that you are actively replying to the reviews which have been left. If there is a good review then you can say thank you, and if there is a poor review you can explain why or at least have your say on the issue. People take notice of this and it can in fact make your firm still look good, even if there is a bad review.

High Quality Website

Simply creating a website is not enough to boost your online presence, what you need is to create a high quality website. The focus here should be on the user experience and making sure that any potential clients who hit your site, are happy with what they find. Unfortunately for many law firms their performance in the courtroom is reflected in the quality of their website by many clients, and having a poor quality website can do a lot of damage.

Social Media

Having social media accounts across a number of channels is important for your firm’s online presence, but these should be active accounts. Your social media accounts should be used for sharing great content, for engaging with your followers and they should not just be stale accounts. This is your chance to really connect with your clients and with potential clients, and it is an opportunity you will miss if your social media accounts are not active.

Marketing Investment

It is always worthwhile for your law firm to invest in some level of digital marketing. A great online presence most certainly serves as a marketing tool but you should also look to spend some money on the likes of PPC or content marketing which can further boost the profile of your law firm.

When it is all said and done, the way that the world views your law firm’s online presence, is very much how they are going to view the quality of the firm on the whole.