The large majority of clients which law firms receive have used a search engine to find the law firm which suits them best. This is exactly why it is so critical for firms to utilize whatever strategies they can to boost their online profile. Whether we choose to remember it or not, we cannot ignore the fact that law firms are a business and that is why they have to ensure that they are marketing themselves as best as they can. The main focus should be digital marketing and here is exactly how law firms can use digital marketing to bring in more business.
The Power of SEO
The first place that law firms should start when it comes to digital marketing is with an SEO approach, which will help to drive more organic traffic their way. Most of our clients hit search engines and look for terms such as ‘personal injury attorney near me’ and firms can rank for this in their local area if they put in some work. SEO is all about ensuring that your firm’s website is created in a way that fits in with the algorithms of the search engine. This includes providing high quality content and offering a great looking and functioning website.
Social Media Presence
A great social media presence ensures that law firms are vocal online and that they are doing good work on improving their online visibility. Through the use of social media profiles law firms can give a behind-the-scenes look at what they are doing which will then inspire trust from their followers. Law firms may not prioritize social media accounts over aspects of running the business but if it wants to increase its reputation and drive more clients, this is exactly what they should be looking to focus on.
Encouraging Feedback
When people are looking for a law firm to use, they will often rely on reviews which have been left online to help them determine which is the best option for them. This is exactly why you should be looking to encourage your clients to leave feedback for you, so that you can work on improving the quality of your online reviews. It is also important that you have a clear focus on your online reviews, so that you can react to what people are saying. In many cases even a bad review can be salvaged if you have responded explaining the situation from your point of view.
Creating a Blog
Law firms need to be aware of just how great it can be to have a blog for their company, and how much it will be able to boost their online profile. Blogs are a great way to speak directly with the public, to establish themselves and even to share information across their social media pages. Blogging is a good way to boost SEO, it can help the company’s reputation and it is also a great tool to encourage more people to care about the law and showcase what your firm will be able to do for them if they are ever in trouble.
These are just some ways in which you can look to boost the online profile of your law firm.