Panasonic Automotive Techniques Europe
Strong information expertise professional expert in Internal Audit, Materials Science, Failure Mode and Effects Analysis , Automotive Engineering, and DFSS Green Belt. After graduating from Fontys Universities in Automotive Management, Rob Kroon has developed himself as an skilled project manager within the field of sustainable mobility and transport. He is working as a project manager/consultant at FIER Automotive since 2011. At FIER, Rob Kroon is involved in several projects, mainly focussing on total project administration and his function as an EV professional. Next to that, he is additionally involved in tasks like conducting analysis research, workshop chief, communication and dissemination, et cetera.
- Guido Di Pasquale is the managing director of PAVE Europe – companions for automated car training.
- OpelOpels had additionally been extremely popular earlier than the warfare, with the Opel P4 being assembled in Tanjung Priok.
- 780 E12 had been assembled from 1976 until 1981, with the 520/6 replacing